We are in a moment of drastic change in the world. Our way forward depends on how we react and accept change. Here are some resources that may help you travel through this transition.
City of Wichita COVID-19 Updates
Find community links for safety, utilities, city programs, and more.
COVID-19 ICT Community Resources
Download this PDF for a comprehensive list of resources, what they can do to help you, and how to get in touch for their help.
Sedgwick County COVID-19
Find updates and helpful guides for the people and businesses in Sedgwick County.
United Way of the Plains
Call 2-1-1 for information| Find ways you can help | Find where to get help
Center for Disease Control
Find information about COVID 19 and other areas of health concern in the United States.
World Health Organization [WHO]
Myth Busters | Current
When and How to wear a mask | Current
How COVID-19 impacts mental health in Wichita
The Chung Report | September 9, 2020